Business With A Heart

Share your heart and give a sick child the gift of a hero bear.


To sponsor a bear friend all you have to do is select your favourite bear friend, choose an outfit and give him/ her a name.

We will then stuff your bear with love and donate it straight to HeartKids Australia. If you are a corporate customer, you will receive a photograph of your special bear friend with the personalised birth certificate, alongside your business logo. We will post the images on social media and send you a copy, that you are free to share in your own marketing. You will also receive a certificate of thanks from HeartKids. For personal giving, we will send you an instagram tag of your built bear. HeartKids will deliver the new special friend to a sick child in hospital waiting for or recovering from heart surgery. Your gift will include a complete bear friend, birth certificate in the name of your choice that includes your name and the date it was stuffed with love.

Know that your kind act will brighten the day of a little heart warrior.

For more information or to Sponsor a Bear for a sick child go to Business With A Heart